Hypnosis has long been a topic of fascination and intrigue, thanks in part to its portrayal in pop culture as a mystical and mysterious practice. However, many of the beliefs and assumptions that people have about hypnosis are actually misconceptions. In this article, we'll explore some of the most common misconceptions about hypnosis and where they come from.
Misconception #1: Hypnosis is mind control
One of the most pervasive misconceptions about hypnosis is that it involves mind control or the manipulation of the subject's thoughts and actions. This belief likely stems from the portrayal of hypnosis in movies and TV shows as a tool for evil villains to brainwash their victims. However, the reality is that hypnosis is not mind control, and the subject always has the ability to resist suggestions that they find objectionable.
As Dr. David Spiegel, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University, explains, "Hypnosis is not mind control. It's a social interaction in which one person suggests to another that certain perceptions, feelings, thoughts, or behaviors will spontaneously occur." In other words, hypnosis is a collaborative process between the hypnotist and the subject, and the subject retains agency throughout the experience.
TDW Hypnotherapy Harrogate view: whilst you are in a state of focussed awareness you are still aware of your surroundings and you don't lose control or get forced to do anything you don't want.
Misconception #2: Only gullible or weak-minded people can be hypnotized
Another common misconception about hypnosis is that only people who are gullible or weak-minded can be hypnotized. This belief likely stems from the idea that hypnosis involves a form of surrender or submission on the part of the subject. However, research has shown that this is simply not true.
According to a review of the scientific literature on hypnosis by the American Psychological Association, "Hypnotizability bears no necessary relationship to any other personality variable. It is not the province of the weak-willed or the gullible." In fact, some studies have found that highly intelligent and imaginative people may be more easily hypnotized than others.
TDW Hypnotherapy Harrogate view: as you enter the hypnotic state naturally at least twice a day, almost everyone can be hypnotised. It doesn't depend on level of intelligence, strength of mind or gullibility. Trust is important.
Misconception #3: Hypnosis is always accompanied by a trance-like state
Another common misconception about hypnosis is that it always involves a trance-like state in which the subject is completely unaware of their surroundings. While this can be true for some people in some contexts, it is not a necessary or universal aspect of hypnosis.
As Dr. Spiegel explains, "Hypnosis is not a trance. It's not an altered state. It's a way of amplifying suggestibility." In other words, hypnosis can involve a range of different states of consciousness, from deep relaxation to heightened awareness, and the experience can vary widely from person to person.
TDW Hypnotherapy Harrogate view: there isn't an exact brainwave state measurable under hypnosis, it can fluctuate, but is similar to a waking focussed attention rather like daydreaming and the delta state. Conversational Hypnosis uses words and phrases to encourage the mind to find different ways of seeing things. The person can be observed concentrating and thinking during hypnosis so something is definitely happening but current technology is not sensitive enough to accurately measure it.
Misconception #4: Hypnosis can reveal hidden memories or truths
Another popular misconception about hypnosis is that it can be used to access hidden memories or truths that are inaccessible to the conscious mind. This belief likely stems from the idea that hypnosis involves a kind of "unleashing" of the subconscious mind.
However, there is little scientific evidence to support the idea that hypnosis can reliably uncover hidden memories or truths. In fact, some studies have found that hypnosis can actually lead to false memories or confabulations.
As Dr. Spiegel explains, "There's no such thing as a perfect memory. Memory is a reconstruction. And hypnosis can contribute to the construction of false memories." While hypnosis can be a powerful tool for accessing and processing memories and emotions, it is not a reliable way to uncover objective facts or truths.
TDW Hypnotherapy Harrogate view: hypnosis has been used to successfully locate lost objects by stimulating memories about where they were last seen or used. It is not foolproof as it depends on memory. The assumption that hypnosis can create false memories is based on mostly old and erroneous research that is often referred to. All memories are subjective and change over time, hypnosis is not necessary to do this.
Hypnosis is a fascinating and complex phenomenon that has been the subject of much research and speculation over the years. While there are many misconceptions and myths about hypnosis, a careful examination of the scientific evidence can help us separate fact from fiction. By understanding the true nature of hypnosis, we can use it for helping people.
Here at TDW Hypnotherapy Harrogate we aim to be the best. By taking a genuine interest in clients we believe in building a successful working partnership towards their desired outcomes. The approach is very different to counselling. You don't even have to go into detail about what the problem is because just talking about it isn't very beneficial. Whilst it might feel liberating to share at the time, it rarely solves anything. You can't change what happened in the past, you can only change how you feel about it. This in turn influences how it affects you. Changing the feeling is where the release and relief happens. The results can be astounding.
This website/blog/article is provided for information only and is not intended to replace a consultation with your GP or other health care professional. The information on this website should not be considered as medical advice. If you have any doubts or concerns about your health, you should seek advice from a medical doctor. Results vary and depend on your participation and homework completion.