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Help, I can't sleep properly! 5 TIPS FOR BETTER SLEEP

5 Tips for better Sleep - TDW - Hypnotherapy Harrogate

Does the alarm go off waaay too soon? Do your eyes feel gritty? Is your head muggy? Does the urge to get out of bed feel like a chore? Do you wish you could sleep in? Have you spent the night tossing and turning, worrying that you aren't sleeping?

Then read on:

A bit of background:-

I help people with stress and anxiety. Mostly work-related but not always. One of the biggest problems is how to get to sleep and stay asleep long enough to feel rested in the morning. I've seen a lot of research on the science of human sleep and we are an incredible fusion of physical and mental systems. When things in one area are out of whack, they affect the others too. Make that area better and, yes, you've guessed it, the others will benefit. In our busy lives it's easy to fall into unhelpful habits and become oblivious to their effects. So I put together these tips to help them and now I'm sharing them with you.

1. Decide on a bedtime and stick to it

Don't be seduced into watching yet another TV program or episode, or read another nail-biting chapter. These things are not important in the grand scheme of things. They are not relaxing you before bed, they are stimulating areas of your brain.

Make the decision today to go to bed at a certain time between 9:30 and 10:30 pm. This is the optimum time slot. If you are going to bed later than this, reduce the time by 10 - 15 minutes a night until you reach the target. It will become the norm once your brain gets used to it.

2. No eating after 7:30 pm

Digestion takes around 2 hours and is an active process. The chemicals controlling it are affected and, in turn, affect the sleep process. They interfere with each other, and not in a good way. Allow your stomach to do its job and then go to bed. You will sleep better and be healthier in the long run. (this does not apply to babies as they still have a liquid based diet)

It also helps reduce heartburn.

3. Make sure your bedroom is dark

You have a pineal gland in your brain that is sensitive to light. This gland is involved in the regulation of many bodily functions. It uses the incoming data from the back of your eyes to tell it whether it is day or night and produces chemicals and affects hormones accordingly. Messing up the timing is not good for cellular repair etc. Exposure to light at night can cause breast cancer, amongst other serious health issues. You are not immune if you are male.

If your bedroom is near a streetlight etc invest in blackout blinds or curtains. Switch off your lights. Keep phones, tablets etc at least 2 metres away from you. Use a sleep mask if necessary.

4. Take time to wind down before sleep

It is ok to be thinking about the day and planning the next whilst you are waiting to fall asleep. (Your brain is going to do this anyway once you are asleep. During the REM stages of sleep your brain is going over and organising the data it's received. There will also be venting, releasing the stress or emotion and non-important details.)

But, if these thoughts are likely to keep you awake then write them down. You can then relax about them and go to sleep.

Do not be tempted to get on your phone/tablet/laptop to catch up with social media etc. This is not relaxing and your brain does not need the data overload when it's trying to process what happened during the day. Stay away from the rabbit hole of videos, jokes, messages, news etc. Watching this stuff becomes a bad habit so stop cold turkey tonight and use your incredible mind strength to keep away from it for the next 14 days. By then you will have broken it's hold over you and will be easy to maintain.

5. Check your surroundings

The psychology of colour is a real thing. A primitive part of our brain is activated by certain stimuli. Mostly visual, some auditory and to a lesser degree, touch. Bright colours and patterns as well as dark areas. We are hardwired to assess and respond to danger.

So have a good look around your bedroom. Is the colour scheme restful? (pastel colours, reds, muted colours). Close your eyes for 30 seconds then look round without moving your head. Using your peripheral vision, see if there are any patterns or colours or pictures you find jarring. Do the same for any dark areas, if you were a little child would these seem scary in any way? Even dressing gowns or coats may look like figures or holes. Patterns on wallpaper or curtains may create subliminal illusions. (good to keep in mind for kids rooms too, go for lighter colours and less contrast, even seemingly innocuous patterns with toys or animals can be disturbing on a subconscious level).

If you are struggling to sleep because of anxiety or stress then let's chat. There are ways in which hypnotherapy can help release tension and worry, and also get to the root cause if underlying thought patterns are interfering with the natural sleep cycle.

The first call is completely free and there are no strings attached. Sometimes just getting a different perspective can make all the difference. Don't feel you are wasting my time, I love helping, so click on the link and book the call now.

If you've read so far then I'm guessing you have a sleep problem, perhaps you've forgotten what a good nights sleep is. Hypnotherapy can even help if you are suffering chronic pain or hormone fluctuations (like menopause).

If you have any questions on how to sleep better feel free to call us me at 01423 206218 TDW Hypnotherapy Harrogate | Leeds | Surrounding areas


This website/blog/article is provided for information only and is not intended to replace a consultation with your GP or other health care professional. The information on this website should not be considered as medical advice. If you have any doubts or concerns about your health, you should seek advice from a medical doctor. Results vary and depend on your participation and homework completion.

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